Investment Management | Our Focus in 2025
After a turbulent, but ultimately positive year for most investment markets, our approach to managing client money remains consistent
By Gary

Revitalised Website Ahead
We’re pleased to share that changes to our website are on the horizon. These enhancements will feature fresh, forward-thinking design and improved functionality, aligning with our innovative approach for the future.
By Karen

You Asked, We Listened
We’ve partnered with a trusted platform to bring you Portfolio View, a convenient and secure way to see all your policies in one place.
By Karen

Celebrating Louise Hodgins: Our Newly Appointed Financial Advisor
Building strong, long-lasting relationships has always been at the heart of what we do. Our focus to provide tailored support as you work toward your financial goals, and it is in this spirit that we are excited to share some news
By Karen

When Do You Make Your Best Financial Decisions?
Research has indicated a ‘magic age’ when your expertise and cognitive abilities align.
By Louise

When is a Deposit Account not a Deposit Account?
As Irish Banks continue to drag their heels in passing on the ECB interest rates to savers, a new range of offerings are being presented to Irish Consumers. But are they what they seem?
By Gary

‘Sell to Cover’ and other Changes for Share Options for 2024
One of the frustrations for many of our clients who receive share options as part of their remuneration package is ensuring that they remain tax compliant. This article reviews the changes introduced in the 2023 Finance Act
By Ross

Common Investing Mistakes
Many people start out managing their own investments. But as their earnings and assets grow, their financial needs and challenges become more complex—and continuing to go it alone could prove costly in terms of investing miscues.
By Gary

The Next Blackberry
In businesses where gaining users drives success, establishing a strong market share may be like building a moat around profitability. But that doesn’t guarantee these companies can stay on top
By Gary

Frugal Vs Independant
Last year, we worked with the family of a ‘bachelor’ who passed away peacefully at the age of 85. The value of his estate, made up of cash, investments and property was more than €5m, but no one, other than his solicitor, had any idea of his wealth.
By Ross

A Day at the Races
Sometimes it is easy to distinguish luck from skill. Other times, maybe it’s not so straightforward
By Ross

How To Be Resilient: Part 2
We hear this issue get discussed a great deal but usually from an impractical or theoretical perspective. But, as I’ve written, there are scientific insights that can help.
By Karen

How To Be Resilient: Part 1
We all deal with frazzled, harried, extremely stressed-out people… including ourselves. There are days where it feels like everything is going wrong and these are often the moments in any job, project, or career where you want to quit
By Karen

Spending on What’s Important
In a world where ‘getting rich’ for the sake of it is promoted as a noble ambition, we ask our clients to step away from that narrative. To ask WHY
By Louise

Selling Company Stock? Save Money on FX and Banking Fees with our helpful guide
Using default US Stock Broking platforms (E-Trade, Fidelity, Merril Lynch etc.) to wire funds back to Ireland and converting them to Euro from Dollar along the way could be costing you hundreds in unnecessary fees.
By Gary

Should You Keep Your Company Stock Or Diversify?
One might make you very wealthy, or not, while the other will probably help you reach your financial goals. Choosing the right option for you is not an easy task.
By Ross

Does your Job matter when you are Investing?
Most employees in the Tech & Pharma industry hold a significant portion of their personal ‘wealth’ in the shares of the company they work for. Is that appropriate, and should you have an investment strategy that takes this concentrated holding
By Ross

Getting Ahead: Why Financial Literacy is the Key to Career Success
As our clients progress through their career, a point comes where they find themselves working in some form of management capacity, either leading teams or departments, or taking the decision to start their own company
By Ross

Market Review 2023: Rising Stocks Left Predictions Grounded
It was a year that defied expectations by many accounts. A number of forecasts predicted that the US economy would enter a recession in 2023 as the Federal Reserve raised interest rates to fight high inflation
By Gary

Become a Better Spender
Creating more alignment in our use of money starts with becoming the best spenders in the world.
By Ross

Working Through Imposter Syndrome with ‘Moxie’
We work with individuals who, on the face of it, have no reason to doubt their ability, talent or position, but as we get to know them and explore their belief system, invariably some level of imposter syndrome is discovered.
By Karen

Does ‘Market Timing’ Help or Hinder?
The increasing availability to financial news and commentary along with simplified trading processes has led investors to frequently time the market, resulting in ...
By Gary

What Next for the ‘Magnificent 7’?
The Magnificent 7 stocks (Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta Platforms, Microsoft, NVIDIA, and Tesla) continue to capture the focus of investors as these large growth names have outpaced the bulk of global equities.
By Gary

Merging Finances for a Better Relationship
This article delves into the relationship between merging finances and happiness within a relationship, presenting research that sheds light on this intriguing subject.
By Louise

Introducing Innovate Fundamentals
The ‘Innovate Fundamentals’ Portfolio, available in CGT and UCIT structures, seeks to generate returns for investors by offering exposure in these areas
By Team

Investment Market Commentary | Autumn 2021
2021 has been a year of ‘ongoing recovery’ for individuals, society & economies. As is often the case, markets are further along the curve strong double-digit growth in most indices generating excellent returns for investors who have stayed the course
By Gary

Your Business as a Personal Asset
Turning your business into a personal asset is one of the most powerful methods of wealth creation there is, and will make you work smarter than ever before
By Ross

Corporate Banking Fees | Alternative Solutions
Banks have started applying negative interest rates to corporate/business accounts. This fee can be as high as 0.65% per annum, meaning that businesses could be paying hundreds or thousands of euro simply to hold funds on deposit.
By Ross

Profit or Ethics - Do You Have to Choose?
One of the most common narratives of sustainable/green investing that we hear from fund managers and clients alike is that you have to sacrifice profit for ethics, which is to say that you can only have one or the other.
By Gary

After Biden, Brexit & Vaccine | The future of Green Investing
In a world recovering from a prolonged period of collective trauma, the temptation to ‘let loose’ is balanced by a desire to make meaningful difference. In this article I present the opinion that, for investors, going green offers..
By Ross

All-Star Award Announcement: Two-Time Winner!
We have been certified for the second consecutive year! AIBF accredited companies are defined as progressive, indigenous Irish businesses, which meet the highest standards of verified performance, trust and customer centricity
By Team

Markets and The 'Ruud Gullit Effect' | When the outlier drives the average
Probably the most important reason why pension and savings accounts have recovered their value in the 6 months since stock markets collapsed, and why the risk level inside indexes, usually considered the most diversified and robust investment funds
By Ross

Investor News | Autumn Edition
We take a look at our own portfolios and their long term benchmark performance against industry peers, the reason why markets have recovered so quickly (and whether it is truly sustainable) & changes to our funds that will benefit investors.
By Gary

Our Portfolio Analyst 'Gary Browne' was able to offer his expertise last weekend in the Sunday Independent
Gary advises on suitable investment portfolios for different levels of risk and requirements people may have.
By Gary

A Revolut(ion) in Personal Finance is Here...
You probably haven’t heard of the Second Payment Service Directive regulation. However this innocuous sounding term has the potential to change the field of personal finance & banking forever, and today we saw the first example.
By Ross

Could You Be Ireland’s Top Investor?
Curran Futures are delighted to launch our new competition. It’s easy to enter and play and there are great prizes on offer, plus the chance to compare your ‘investment smarts’ against family and friends over the next two weeks.
By Karen

Should I cancel my Life Assurance Policies to Save Money?
Right now, people are looking at ways to cut spending, especially with concerns over current and future income. This article answers some of the most common questions we’ve received about Life, Illness & Income Protection policies
By Fiona

How is Your ARF Pension Affected by the Current Equity Markets?
At retirement most private pension holders are offered a choice to take a fixed, guaranteed income for life, known as an Annuity, or transfer the balance of their pension (after withdrawing the Tax Free Lump Sum) to an Approved Retirement Fund
By Ross

An Investors Guide to Scary Markets
If you’re reading this then, as a human being, you’re looking for one thing above all others –certainty. Nothing gives more reassurance and comfort to a person than absolute certainty about what will happen in the future.
By Ross

Coronavirus Update
Following the release of recommended guidelines for businesses from the Department of Health, we have taken the decision to close the office from 5pm on Friday 13th March until March 29th or later, depending on additional instruction.
By Team

Old Pensions
For anyone starting a Financial Planning Programme, Old Pension Plans are really good place to start. What I mean is that it is extremely easy to get amazing benefit in a relatively simple manner. And by amazing benefit, I’m talking about money
By Fiona

Investor Update | Coronavirus & Market Performance
You are no doubt well aware of the current fears over the Coronavirus ‘pandemic’ and may have heard of the impact on Global Equity Markets
By Ross

Investor News | Q1 Edition
What a difference a year makes. We had a number of clients contact us to ask whether they should exit investment markets entirely and revert to cash
By Ross

2019 | The Forecast Fallacy
At this time of year I enjoy nothing more than opening my email archive and pulling out the communications from January 2019 to see what the ‘experts’ were forecasting for the year ahead.
By Ross

Episode 6 - Overcoming the Action Gap
Want to achieve your Financial Goals? Making them meaningful can be a great motivator..
By Ross

Article 6 - Overcoming The Action Gap:
Concepts like ‘Retirement’ or ‘Savings’ are far too vague and lacking in meaning to act as a real incentive to change. Instead we need real world goals that are genuinely impactful and emotionally connected
By Ross

Great News for Curran Futures Investors
Green Reit shareholders approve sale of Irish property group for €1.9135 a share. Read here to learn more about what this means for you & the key tax considerations associated with the disposal of shares
By Karen

Realising Your Best Financial Future
We were delighted to deliver our message of Financial Empowerment to a large and engaged audience when Ross presented ‘Realising Your Best Financial Future’ to the employees at Matheson Law Firm in Dublin
By Karen

Episode 5 - Getting over the Action Gap
There is a growing body of work that seeks to understand why it is that we put up so many barriers to our own best interests.
By Ross

Deadline to Reduce Your 2018 Income Tax Bill Is Almost Here
As we approach October 31st, it is a very important time to take stock and see if you are in a position to reduce your income tax bill for 2018.
By Louise

Article 5 - Getting over the Action Gap
We would assume that ‘actions’ from advice are agreed to and implemented quickly, but once again the reality is far less simple!
By Ross

The big difference between the advice you get from a Financial Planner and a Sales Person
By Fiona

Episode 4 - In the Land of Financial Planning, Cash(Flow) is King
What Cash-Flow Modelling and a Financial Plan in general does is show you the real impact of your decisions. It’s like holding up two images: One shows you the Future You if you don’t make the recommended changes; the other shows how it looks if you do.
By Ross

Article 4 - In the Land of Financial Planning, Cash(Flow) is King
At its core, Cash-Flow Modelling looks at your income and your expenditure every year for the rest of your life, with the goal that at no point is spending higher than earnings.
By Ross

Article 3 - Cleaning Out Your Financial Closet
The Pain (and much larger Gain) of looking at your financial circumstances
By Ross

Episode 2 - What Can We Do to Help?
The second part of our series on 'Redefining your Financial Future' is titled 'What Can We Do To Help?' and, as with all things money-related, It's not as straightforward as you might think!
By Ross

Article 2 - How Do You Think We Can Help?
In my first piece for this series I wrote about the motivations for going to see a financial advisor. I propose that it is not as simple a question as it first seems and that there are often a whole number of sometimes complimentary, but often conflicting
By Ross

Episode 3 - Cleaning Out Your Financial Closet
The importance of understanding and recording your current financial position. No gain without pain I’m afraid!!
By Ross

Episode 1 - 'Why Have You Come Here?'
The first episode of our 'Refining Your Financial Future Series' is titled ‘Why Have You Come Here’, where we explore the motivation(s) for coming to speak with a Financial Advisor and the importance of communicating those reasons effectively.
By Ross

Article 1 - Why Have You Come Here?
In most walks of life, your arrival into the office or shop of a service provider clearly identifies a need that you have. If you arrive at the reception of a car showroom, it’s probably because you need a new car but if you make contact with
By Ross

Award Winning
We are delighted to receive accreditation's which meet the highest standards of innovation, verified performance, trust and customer centricity.
By Karen

Welcome to Curran Futures
As someone who has been writing blogs and creating content for a number of years now, it feels a bit strange to be writing what is effectively a ‘First Draft’ for our new website.
By Ross

Our ''First'' Blog
We are delighted to be our launching our new website and look forward to working with you in the coming months.
By Ross