How To Be Resilient: Part 2
Wednesday, 14 February 2024
We hear this issue get discussed a great deal but usually from an impractical or theoretical perspective. But, as I’ve written, there are scientific insights that can help.
Wednesday, 14 February 2024
We hear this issue get discussed a great deal but usually from an impractical or theoretical perspective. But, as I’ve written, there are scientific insights that can help.
Wednesday, 07 February 2024
We all deal with frazzled, harried, extremely stressed-out people… including ourselves. There are days where it feels like everything is going wrong and these are often the moments in any job, project, or career where you want to quit
Monday, 15 January 2024
As our clients progress through their career, a point comes where they find themselves working in some form of management capacity, either leading teams or departments, or taking the decision to start their own company
Monday, 08 January 2024
We work with individuals who, on the face of it, have no reason to doubt their ability, talent or position, but as we get to know them and explore their belief system, invariably some level of imposter syndrome is discovered.